My Elevator Story

I did a flippant post about Rebecca Watson’s Elevatorgate and have ended up having an intense and complex exchange of understanding with a commenter.

So yesterday afternoon, I was in an elevator – a tiny cramped space with 2 men.

Part of my brain was trying to figure out a funny way to reference the Elevatorgate Incident and then it occurred to me that these guys seemed like normal everyday people who might have heard of Elevatorgate – or not – and who might just think the whole think was blown out of proportion or was a colossal misunderstanding on an issue where emotions are what counts and you can’t qualify or relate to other people’s emotions when you just read about them – without seeing their face and body – how the experience played out in their being.

So I decided to try something different.

One of the men had a bouquet of flowers – specifically Star Gazer Lilies.

Fortunately, the blooms were closed because to my nose – these are the worst flowers ever – they reek.

The man seemed to my eye to be prepping himself.

So I said, “Someone’s a lucky …girl.”

His whole face flooded with relief and he grinned at me.

“Are you sure she likes star gazers?” I asked gently.

“When she first said she loved star gazers, I thought she wanted to sit outside and look up at the sky, I was so relieved when I found out they were flowers.” He said.

I smiled and relaxed; “Oh good, because they are that kind of flower that you like or you don’t, so it’s not one I would ever get on spec.”

He then explained that the flowers are not tolerable to cats (which I didn’t know) and I joked that I was a cat person, so that makes sense that I don’t like them.

We got to his floor and I wanted to do something more, so as he stepped off the elevator and onto the floor, I blurted out, “If you keep listening to her like that, you are going to score.”

He stopped, turned to face me – and then I saw the most amazing thing.

This well dressed, groomed, elegant man of around 50 years of age, turned into a 6 year old boy before my eyes and his whole face light up with such delight and assurance and playfulness that I wanted to hug him with my whole person.

He giggle like a schoolgirl.

Then the elevator doors closed and I continued on my way to talk to my trauma counsellor, floating on a cloud of random kindness but more than that – a playful, personal and meaningful interaction, an exchange of information and personality.

An encounter that made both parties feel a little bit better about the world, just because I was paying detailed attention to my surroundings and the people I was sharing it with.

I took the chance and reached out to someone and got to play with them in the moment they were in, just for the fun and good feelings generated.

It’s those moments of meaningful – even if only for an elevator ride, two strangers crossing paths and positively changing or affirming each other – connection to other people, that make life liveable.

I am pretty confident that both the man and the women getting the flowers have gotten lucky with each other – beyond a slap and tickle lucky.

7 thoughts on “My Elevator Story

  1. Awwwww, that was such sweet thing you told him. I am sure you gave him that extra push he needed. I love it when people do random acts of kindness. It’s very touching 😉

    • Except that it wasn’t random for me – it was intentional.

      I am Random Ntrygg – pronounced Random Entrigue

      The “Ntrygg” part is a compound of my name and my family name – Nina Tryggvason.

      The men in my family were all known at their places of work and to their coworkers as “Trygg”

      However, Women are not treated to this kind of name game – so I have always been “Nina”

      And “Nina” is the same as an adult as she was as a 6 year old child waiting for the opportunity to impersonate Elvis in front of an audience. Whatever audience that I could hold captive.

      And I have played to a lot of audiences – so now – I am gathering all my fans – and I mean fans – because back in high school, three girls spontanteously formed a fan club for me – because of how funny and smart and entertaining I am.

      So I have spent my life trying to understand how anyone can resist me – because I know what kind of a good time that I can show you if you give me a chance. Because I have only only seen the impact that I have on people who are open – and I know what I did to get them there. And I know how to get them there any time and any place and in any context that I want.

      And, what I have learned from working in the retail sector, in non-profits and not-for-profits, in grassroots activism and in the halls of government – I know why people resist me and I am an irresistible force that has 6 immovable objects for breakfast. Every day.

    • That’s what so heart breaking about modern life

      We don’t reach out and really connect and talk to each other anymore.

      Because until I spoke, we were three people on an elevator each in our own heads and involved in our own stories.

      But I watched the man with the flowers – clearing practicing what he was going to say to the girl – and he was working himself into a state of anxiety – so I saw how hard he was working for that girl – and I wanted to encourage him – to tell him that he was on the right track to her heart and her bed, if he would just trust himself.

      But the flowers he had in his hand, were off putting to me – I am a crazy cat lady – and most women that I know, don’t like star gazers because of the smell – but then, most of the women I know – are lesbians who are all on one level or another – crazy cat ladies.

      And I wanted him to get what he was working so hard for – so I reached out to help in his world – just because I could.

      So instead of a miserable elevator ride in insecurity and anxiety – I distracted the man, focussed him on his goal (get the girl) what was his method (pay attention to her) but the insecurity (but what does she mean really?) was holding him back.

      And he walked into her office, brimming with playful confidence – I reach out and validated him.

      He went away playful and confident and I went away, feeling playful and helpful.

      He was going to a lunch date and I was going to a trauma counselor.

      So imagine what horrible errors I could have contributed to his life and to that girl’s life if I had stayed miserable instead my head and spewed my pain upon him or if I had stayed quiet inside my head and let him play small and nervous.

  2. That’s a great story – I would probably not as been as brave as you are! I tried to read the comments on elevatorgate, but since we didn’t get the story here I have no idea what the issue is, really – it seems a sort of non-issue in the larger view of things, to me. In any case, I really enjoyed this small encounter with a hopeful and conscientious suitor!

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