Being Curous Compassion

I know how rough the internet can be, and I am capable as anyone of being venomous. But here’s what I know. It’s a cut-throat’s world anywhere you care to look.

But that doesn’t mean that we have to be that way to each other – especially not when any of us reach out with vulnerability.

There are no honestly asked stupid questions. So save the venom for the dishonest people who deserve it.

If naivete annoys you, ignore it. It doesn’t cost you anything.

Maybe if we stopped feeling so bad about other people, we could feel better about ourselves instead of feeling bad feelings all the time. No sense stewing yourself in your own hormonal juices for nothing.

Let the little shit that doesn’t have to bother you, just not bother you.

Save it for the things you can influence, and spare up the run-time for figuring out positive and passionate ways to bring about the changes that would make you happy more