
Source of Inspiration

The problem with religion
is that it keeps us so busy
arguing inside some doctrinal
maze that we can not see the
simplicity of life. We study
texts considered sacred, sent
by God, yet subject to the
interpretation of man.

It is not that religion is
“bad” or even “good,” but
rather that it is not the same
as spirituality. Can we be
spiritual and religious at
the same time? This is a very
serious question, folks. Consider
what is needed for this to occur.

I’ve worshiped in many religions,
in shamanic rituals, and on
beaches at sunset. I’ve bent
my knees in forest glades and
asked, “Who am I? Why am I here?”
I’ve sung praises to a Creator
I find everywhere, finally
understanding that I am part of the
essence of this Divine Force that
manifests as pure love energy again
and again, duplicating Itself, creating
universes beyond…

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